The Cost of Negative Attitudes at Work

Book  Review: According to the Gallup Organization, negativity can cost the US economy about 240 to 300 billion dollars a year. The estimate is conservative since it doesn’t take into account the the ripple effect of complaining and negativity.

Ninety percent of doctor visits are stress related according to the Center for Disease, Control and Prevention, and the #1 cause of office stress is coworkers and their complaining according to

Negative Attitude

A study found that negative employees can scare off every customers  they speak with for good (“How Full is Your Bucket” by Tom Rath). Too many negative interactions compared to positive interactions at work can decrease the productivity.  Negativity affects morale, performance  and productivity.  One negative employee can create a miserable environment for everyone else.

Source: All of this information and facts can be found in a book called “The No Complaining Rule Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work” by Jon Gordon

What are the best ways to deal with negative comments or complaining at work?

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2 thoughts on “The Cost of Negative Attitudes at Work

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